

Table of Contents

Click here to view project on Github pages


In this project, I have build a node.js command line application that takes in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates a HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person. I have also tested the code by writing a unit test for every part of the code, to ensure the code is maintainable and passes each test.

What did we do?

Generate a webpage that displays my team’s basic information so that I have quick access to their emails and Github profiles.

Getting started

git clone
cd readme-generator
code .


npm i
npm i inquirer
npm i jest -D
npm i @types/jest -D


npm run start

Test with coverage

npm run test

Test with watch

npm run test:watch


The html file created by using a command-line application

Click here to view example of the HTML file generated

Walkthrough Video

Click here to view my walkthrough video on Click here to view my walkthrough video on Javascript testing.